For Drag Racer, riding a Bike, it’s not unusual to be asked about the sometimes “weird” look of their race vehicles: “What are these support wheels?“ – “Can you steer at all with these thin front wheels?”, „That does not look sooooo good” – etc … The explanations can always be summarized under the slogan “Form follows function“.
The following video shows that the straightline scene is moaning at a relatively high level: “The fastest folding chair in the world“:

OVAL BATTLE is very popular in Japan and almost the opposite of the “linear” drag racing. Here is a competition between different motorcycle types. Attention spoiler alarm: Pay your attention to the man in yellow …
The handlebar looks as if a good old Vincent Comet has flown out of the bend, the rear tire is thinner than a TF bike front tire, and the driver has a position, that contradicts all laws of aerodynamics. – But, see what happens…
For all of you, who has become dizzy after so much wild circuit racing: for quick recovery you should immediately get a ticket for the guaranteed curve-free NitrOlympX.